Podiatrists Bankstown, Adult & Children's Podiatry Western Sydney
About our Feet
Feet are a forgotten part of the body, yet they’re incredibly important. Did you know that during our lifetime we walk approximately 128,000kms (that’s more than 3 times round the earth!) and every step we take, our feet absorb around 1.5 times our body weight? It’s no wonder then that they contain one of the body’s most complicated structures of ligaments, tendons, nerves and blood vessels, not to mention 33 individual joints. In addition 25% of our entire body’s bones are located in the feet (26 bones in each foot).
Therefore because our feet work so hard for us, we need to look after them!
At the Triumph Institute our Podiatrists Bankstown don’t just deal in foot and heel pain, they’re also lower limb experts. In fact anyone visiting our Bankstown health centre can be seen by a podiatrist who specialises in sports and over-use injuries, postural correction and skin conditions.
Common conditions include:
- Sporting injuries – Sprains, strains, tendonitis, lower back pain and fractures
- Dermatological problems – cracked heel, fungal infections, calluses, corns, psoriasis
- Posture/biomechanics – knee pain, numbness, restless leg syndrome, hammer toes and flat foot
- High risk feet problems – ulcerated feet, wound management, diabetic feet
- Podopediatrics – knocked knees, toe walking and tripping
- Occupational foot health and safety.
What should you expect when you visit the Triumph Institute?
When you visit our Bankstown Podiatry clinic at our podiatrist will give you an initial consultation. He’ll look into your medical history and lifestyle as well as giving you a thorough examination and diagnosis. From this he can develop a treatment plan going forward.
About Our Podiatrist
Dr Grant Duong has a vast amount of experience working in both the private and public sectors in clinics, hospitals and rural community centres. He’s been passionate about podiatry since the age of 15 and regards himself as a ‘biomechanics enthusiast’. As a result he can associate many common problems and ailments to lower limb/poor foot mechanics. This means that he will look to treat the cause or ‘trigger’ of the problem, rather than just the symptoms themselves.
Having witnessed the consequences of problems that diabetic feet can cause such as extreme pain, depression, disability, poor quality of life, limb amputation and even death, he truly understands the importance of prevention. As such he is very dedicated to this side of his work. In addition, here at the Triumph Institute Dr Duong can also provide general foot care, sports therapy (including sports massage, myofascial release, stretching and strengthening exercises) falls prevention, food health and orthotic therapy.
Remember it’s not normal to have painful feet and as such foot problems can often be the first signs of a more serious illness. Therefore it pays to get them checked out as soon as possible. If you’ve got a lower limb problem, come and visit our Bankstown clinic for an in-depth assessment today.